Summer Has Arrived
May 28, 2023
Summer in San Diego is always exciting. Most people who do not live here think that it is summer all year around. They say that San Diego has no real seasons, but that is not true. Summer is glorious, even when it has a late start, like this year. I have lined up a schedule of for the year that will, Goddess willing, culminate in the release of the sequel to Seedling Jack, My Angel Is Anger. I have made the time available to complete the project and have enlisted the help of some fantastic people to assist me in futhering it to fruition. More details to follow. Also this summer, the International Comic-Con 2023 will take place at the San Diego Convention Center and I will be attending. I've been told I should look into getting a booth, but this year is not the year. If any of you would be interested in meeting up at Comic-Con, I would love to meet up with you. Let me know in the comments if you're interested. Also, some of you nave noticed that the the serials on are incomplete. I want to assure you that those stories will be furthered by fall. I'm just as sick of not seeing them complete as you are. This summer will be full of exciting words and adventure on Mayachrome. Let me know which one you would like to see finished first!
“Use my gift to you, and use your words, or I will take them away”
– The Goddess from: “The River & The Woman of Light.”